Khôi phục lại tất cả các loại mật khẩu Windows: mật khẩu đăng nhập (khi người dùng đăng nhập và có quyền Admin), mật khẩu NET Passport, mật khẩu Screensaver, cho tới các tài nguyên chia sẻ,... Tấn công vào các file Windows PWL cũng có thể thực hiện được. Advanced Windows Password Recovery (AWPR) là công cụ được thiết kế để khôi phục hầu hết các loại mật khẩu Windows: mật khẩu đăng nhập Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows 8.1 (khi người dùng đang đăng nhập), mật khẩu đăng nhập Windows XP/7/8.1/Server 2003/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012. (Khi người dùng đăng nhập và có quyền Admin), mật khẩu tự động đăng nhập Windows XP/7/8.1/Server 2003/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012.., ....
Welcome to Windows Password Recovery, a network security analyzer and Windows password recovery utility. Windows Password Recovery tool is the only solution that implements the most advanced, patented password recovery technologies developed in Passcape Software, such as Artificial Intelligence or Pass-phrase attack.
Compared to similar products, Windows Password Recovery features a number of competitive advantages:
- For home users - easy set up and use. Easily recovers or resets forgotten passwords to any Windows account.
- For system administrators - password audit reveals security breaches, helping the administrators to ensure the reliability and security of the corporate network. Checks the security level of Windows operating systems.
- For forensics, industry and government security experts - analyzes and audits system security policies, issues recommendations on improving the stability of the operating systems' password protection.
- Contemporary, easily customizable graphical user interface.
- Imports hashes from 8 other programs.
- Imports directly from SAM or ntds.dit; even if the files are locked by the system, the program still reads them.
- Imports hashes from remote computers.
- Import hashes from system shadow copies, restore points, backup and repair folders.
- Can backup\save local registry files and Active Directory database.
- Imports password history hashes.
- Recovers some account passwords on the fly (when importing locally).
- Supports Active Directory (domain accounts).
- Supports importing from 64-bit systems.
- Exports hashes to the PWDUMP file.
- The software has 13 types of different attacks; some of them are unique, implemented upon patented technologies.
- The program supports multithreading, fully leveraging the power of modern computers.
- Dictionary attack supports text dictionaries in the ASCII, UNICODE,UTF8 and PCD formats.
- Broad choice of online dictionaries for dictionary attacks (about 2 GB). Not enough Take a look at our ultimate 6Gb wordlist collection.
- Some of the program's functions - e.g., word mutation - are unique. For example, the total number of mutation rules exceeds a hundred and fifty. Not any other similar application features that!
- Supports unlimited number of inspected hashes.
- Intelligent analysis of found passwords.
- High search speed on modern computers - over 100 million of passwords per second (without utilizing the power of GPU).
- Includes auxiliary tools: hash generator, password strength check, rainbow tables generator, SAM/NTDS.DIT backup tool, asterisk password revealer, resetting user password directly in SAM or NTDS.DIT files, SAM and NTDS.DIT explorers, DPAPI offline decoder, etc.
- Useful wordlist utilities
- Advanced password reports
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Windows Password Recovery Advanced Full,Phần mềm tìm mật khẩu User và Administrator
Welcome to Windows Password Recovery, a network security analyzer and Windows password recovery utility. Windows Password Recovery tool is the only solution that implements the most advanced, patented password recovery technologies developed in Passcape Software, such as Artificial Intelligence or Pass-phrase attack.
Compared to similar products, Windows Password Recovery features a number of competitive advantages:
- For home users - easy set up and use. Easily recovers or resets forgotten passwords to any Windows account.
- For system administrators - password audit reveals security breaches, helping the administrators to ensure the reliability and security of the corporate network. Checks the security level of Windows operating systems.
- For forensics, industry and government security experts - analyzes and audits system security policies, issues recommendations on improving the stability of the operating systems' password protection.
- Contemporary, easily customizable graphical user interface.
- Imports hashes from 8 other programs.
- Imports directly from SAM or ntds.dit; even if the files are locked by the system, the program still reads them.
- Imports hashes from remote computers.
- Import hashes from system shadow copies, restore points, backup and repair folders.
- Can backup\save local registry files and Active Directory database.
- Imports password history hashes.
- Recovers some account passwords on the fly (when importing locally).
- Supports Active Directory (domain accounts).
- Supports importing from 64-bit systems.
- Exports hashes to the PWDUMP file.
- The software has 13 types of different attacks; some of them are unique, implemented upon patented technologies.
- The program supports multithreading, fully leveraging the power of modern computers.
- Dictionary attack supports text dictionaries in the ASCII, UNICODE,UTF8 and PCD formats.
- Broad choice of online dictionaries for dictionary attacks (about 2 GB). Not enough Take a look at our ultimate 6Gb wordlist collection.
- Some of the program's functions - e.g., word mutation - are unique. For example, the total number of mutation rules exceeds a hundred and fifty. Not any other similar application features that!
- Supports unlimited number of inspected hashes.
- Intelligent analysis of found passwords.
- High search speed on modern computers - over 100 million of passwords per second (without utilizing the power of GPU).
- Includes auxiliary tools: hash generator, password strength check, rainbow tables generator, SAM/NTDS.DIT backup tool, asterisk password revealer, resetting user password directly in SAM or NTDS.DIT files, SAM and NTDS.DIT explorers, DPAPI offline decoder, etc.
- Useful wordlist utilities
- Advanced password reports
Home Page -

Link Mega
Windows Password Recovery Advanced 26.3 MB!gp8VxCLb!FO1Nd8ZuR2xvLz-LuAIbShJG4i-rvGZFmMLFnM8E3Y0
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