If you’ve stumbled across this site, chances are that you’re concerned about how secure your wireless network really is. You might even be concerned that someone you don’t know is connected to your network this very minute.
The problem is you can’t see a wireless network. You can’t touch it. And you can’t know who is connected to it without some help.
But there is a way to be 100% certain that no one is on your Wireless Network but the computers and devices that you want to be on it…
You might be saying to yourself, “You’re right, Wireless networks are invisible, but I’m not worried about any of this because I have encryption on my wireless network.”
I congratulate you on securing your network, in fact I recommend that everyone use encryption on their wireless network.
The problem is that first of all, almost 40% of U.S. households leave their Wireless Network completely open. And secondly, of the ones that do encrypt their network, another almost 40% are still using WEP which has been considered insecure for many, many years. And even though WEP will be phased out of Wireless Devices in the next few years that leaves a long, long time for Wireless Networks to be compromised by even the most novice hackers.
Finally, for those of you who have setup WPA2 which is considered almost impossible to break, I only have one question. How sure are you that WPA2 will remain unbroken forever?
And as a followup question, even if someone doesn’t get in through the wireless, might there still be a way for your physical network to be compromised?
Bạn đang sở hữu một mạng wifi. Tuy nhiên dạo này tốc độ có vẻ hơi chậm chạp. Thế thì nguyên nhân là đâu? Có thể thiết bị bạn bị hỏng, đường tryền không tốt. Nhưng vẫn còn một nguyên nhân phổ biến khác là những người hàng xóm đang sử dụng wifi chùa từ bạn. phần mềm Whos On My WiFi sẽ giúp bạn lật tẩy được ai sử dụng wifi mà không có sự cho phép của bạn.
Bạn chỉ cần thực hiện Scan để chương trình dò tìm xem những ai đang sử dụng ké wifi và đưa ra các thông tin về tên máy tính, địa chỉ IP, địa chỉ Mac...
Một công cụ nhỏ gọn và hết sức đơn giản phải không nào

Link 4Share.Vn:
http://4share.vn/f/4370767a76717a7a/Who Is On My WiFi Ultimate 2.2.0.rar.file
Link Mega
Who Is On My WiFi Ultimate 2.2.0.rar 5.6 MB
Link Google:https://app.box.com/s/p9cgy66y8hz1co4b2wdcwww.Key4VIP.info bán Ac 4Share.Vn 1 năm không giới hạn BW,tải thoải mái.
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