VirtualDJ is the hottest MP3 mixing software, targeting every DJ from bedroom DJs to professional superstars like Carl Cox. With its breakthrough BeatLock engine, your songs will always stay in the beat, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ could.
The automatic seamless loop engine and the brand new synchronised sampler will let you perform astounding remixes live, with no preparation at all. The visual representation and the cues allow you to clearly see the song's structure, and never be surprised by a break anymore. The vinyl controls will let you scratch like on a real turntable, except that with the beatlock engine your scratches will never end out of the beat.
Add to that an infinite number of cue points you can save for each songs, a bunch of wonderful effects automatically beat-synchronised. Add also several interfaces to suit everybody from the beginner to the professional DJ, the possibility to record your mixes to burn them on CDs, to broadcast on the Internet and have your own radio station, to save your CDs directly in MP3, to use a headphone to preview the songs or an external mixtable to perform in a club. Lastly, enter the new era of DJs by mixing video clips (DVD, DivX, MPEG...) which you can send on a giant screen.
• Twin independent zero-latency players with:
• Standard controls (play, pause, stop, cue)
• Volume control
• Pitch control (from -34 to +34%)
• 3 band equalizers with Kill + gain
• One-click beat matching and synchronisation (new FAME algorithm)
• BeatLock engine: your songs will always stay in time, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ could
• Automatic beat-matched crossfading
• On-the-fly automatic BPM calculation
• Automatic pitch matching
• Automatic level matching
• Automatic beat matching
• Dynamic beat visualizer for easy "drag'n'drop" beat-matching
• Real scratch simulation
• Virtual scratch: Scratch your mp3 with your bare hand
• Automatic beat-aware LOOP function
• Synchronised sampler with 12 instant slots
• Master Tempo pitch algorithm
• Automatic first beat and last beat detection
• Automatic 4/4 phase detection
• OSC network synchronisation
• Infinite number of beatlocked desks (local multi-instance or network)
• Infinite number of cue points saved per songs
• Beat-aware effect plugins (included: beatgrid, flippin, vocal remover, filter, flanger, backspin, brake, etc...)
• VST effects compatibility
• Video mix with TV output (mix songs and/or video clips !)
• Full karaoke support
• Proprietary of FreeFrame video effects
• Inifite number of video effect simultaneously
• DJ-adapted video transition plugins
• Song database engine with easy-to-use search feature
• CoverFlow or text-only song browsing
• Compatible with iTunes playlists
• ID3 compatibility
• Automatic "filter" folders
• Automatic Hot-Swap of external harddrives
• Ready-to-burn file recording to burn your own mixed CDs
• Broadcast on the Internet
• CD to MP3 encoder
• Optional 3D sound card, 2 sound cards or Y-splitter for real-time monitoring or external mixtable use
• ASIO soundcard compatibility
• Fully customisable (skin engine and shortcut macro enngine)
• External MIDI keyboard compatibility for shortcuts
• Compatibility with most external controllers (DMC2, DAC3, iCDX, TotalControl, BCD2000, DJConsole, etc...)
• Optional automatic mixing: Virtual DJ recognizes the style of the music (techno, hip hop, lounge) and adapt its mix in consequence
VirtualDJ là phần mềm mix MP3 phổ biến nhất, hướng đến mọi DJ từ các DJ phòng trà cho tới những siêu sao chuyên nghiệp như Carl Cox. Với cơ chế BeatLock đột phá, những bản nhạc của bạn sẽ luôn giữ đúng nhịp, và bạn có thể tiến hành mix nhanh hơn các DJ khác rất nhiều.
Cơ chế lặp tự động và bộ sampler đồng bộ mới cho phép bạn thực hiện các bản remix trực tiếp mà không cần phải chuẩn bị trước.
Hiển thị trực quan cùng các cues cho phép bạn thấy rõ ràng cấu trúc bài hát, cũng như không bị bất ngờ ngắt quãng nữa.

Link 4Share.Vn: Bán key bản quyền Window Server 2003, Bán key bản quyền Window Server 2008 R2, Bán key bản quyền Window Server 2012 R2 Standar Enterprise WebEdition Datacenter Foundation Essentials bảo hành Vĩnh Viễn!
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The automatic seamless loop engine and the brand new synchronised sampler will let you perform astounding remixes live, with no preparation at all. The visual representation and the cues allow you to clearly see the song's structure, and never be surprised by a break anymore. The vinyl controls will let you scratch like on a real turntable, except that with the beatlock engine your scratches will never end out of the beat.
Add to that an infinite number of cue points you can save for each songs, a bunch of wonderful effects automatically beat-synchronised. Add also several interfaces to suit everybody from the beginner to the professional DJ, the possibility to record your mixes to burn them on CDs, to broadcast on the Internet and have your own radio station, to save your CDs directly in MP3, to use a headphone to preview the songs or an external mixtable to perform in a club. Lastly, enter the new era of DJs by mixing video clips (DVD, DivX, MPEG...) which you can send on a giant screen.
• Twin independent zero-latency players with:
• Standard controls (play, pause, stop, cue)
• Volume control
• Pitch control (from -34 to +34%)
• 3 band equalizers with Kill + gain
• One-click beat matching and synchronisation (new FAME algorithm)
• BeatLock engine: your songs will always stay in time, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ could
• Automatic beat-matched crossfading
• On-the-fly automatic BPM calculation
• Automatic pitch matching
• Automatic level matching
• Automatic beat matching
• Dynamic beat visualizer for easy "drag'n'drop" beat-matching
• Real scratch simulation
• Virtual scratch: Scratch your mp3 with your bare hand
• Automatic beat-aware LOOP function
• Synchronised sampler with 12 instant slots
• Master Tempo pitch algorithm
• Automatic first beat and last beat detection
• Automatic 4/4 phase detection
• OSC network synchronisation
• Infinite number of beatlocked desks (local multi-instance or network)
• Infinite number of cue points saved per songs
• Beat-aware effect plugins (included: beatgrid, flippin, vocal remover, filter, flanger, backspin, brake, etc...)
• VST effects compatibility
• Video mix with TV output (mix songs and/or video clips !)
• Full karaoke support
• Proprietary of FreeFrame video effects
• Inifite number of video effect simultaneously
• DJ-adapted video transition plugins
• Song database engine with easy-to-use search feature
• CoverFlow or text-only song browsing
• Compatible with iTunes playlists
• ID3 compatibility
• Automatic "filter" folders
• Automatic Hot-Swap of external harddrives
• Ready-to-burn file recording to burn your own mixed CDs
• Broadcast on the Internet
• CD to MP3 encoder
• Optional 3D sound card, 2 sound cards or Y-splitter for real-time monitoring or external mixtable use
• ASIO soundcard compatibility
• Fully customisable (skin engine and shortcut macro enngine)
• External MIDI keyboard compatibility for shortcuts
• Compatibility with most external controllers (DMC2, DAC3, iCDX, TotalControl, BCD2000, DJConsole, etc...)
• Optional automatic mixing: Virtual DJ recognizes the style of the music (techno, hip hop, lounge) and adapt its mix in consequence
VirtualDJ là phần mềm mix MP3 phổ biến nhất, hướng đến mọi DJ từ các DJ phòng trà cho tới những siêu sao chuyên nghiệp như Carl Cox. Với cơ chế BeatLock đột phá, những bản nhạc của bạn sẽ luôn giữ đúng nhịp, và bạn có thể tiến hành mix nhanh hơn các DJ khác rất nhiều.
Cơ chế lặp tự động và bộ sampler đồng bộ mới cho phép bạn thực hiện các bản remix trực tiếp mà không cần phải chuẩn bị trước.
Hiển thị trực quan cùng các cues cho phép bạn thấy rõ ràng cấu trúc bài hát, cũng như không bị bất ngờ ngắt quãng nữa.

Link 4Share.Vn:
Link Mega!UwMhjTZb!8dWTvUVfdQKdhN6OYL8DWlS9zn7OOWi468CiafRnvAQ!UwMhjTZb!8dWTvUVfdQKdhN6OYL8DWlS9zn7OOWi468CiafRnvAQ Bán key bản quyền Window Server 2003, Bán key bản quyền Window Server 2008 R2, Bán key bản quyền Window Server 2012 R2 Standar Enterprise WebEdition Datacenter Foundation Essentials bảo hành Vĩnh Viễn!
Bán key bản quyền Window 7,Bán key bản quyền Window 8.1,Bán key bản quyền Window10 Pro và Enterprise
Bán key bản quyền Kaspersky cho Server và Client,Bitdefender,Trendmicro,Avast
Bán key bản quyền Exchange Server 2010 Standar và Enterprise
Bán key bản quyền Exchange Server 2013 Standar và Enterprise
Bán key bản quyền SQL Server 2008 R2 Standar và Enterprise
Bán key bản quyền SQL Server 2012 R2 Standar và Enterprise
Bán key bản quyền SharePoint Server 2010 Standar và Enterprise
Bán key bản quyền SharePoint Server 2013 Standar và Enterprise
Bán key bản quyền Visual Studio 2010 Standar Pro và Enterprise
Bán key bản quyền Visual Studio 2013 Standar Pro và Enterprise
Bán key bản quyền Visio 2010 Standar Premium Pro
Bán key bản quyền Visio 2013 Standar Premium Pro
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